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Diagnosis and Treatment: Syphilis, Page 3
Cure - Inward Medicines
"In the next place I am obliged to treat of the cure by Inward Medicines, but first I must declare my Opinion, that Unction is much the surer and safer way, and does better cleanse the Blood and Juices, and sooner heal the Ulcers and other Accidents than Inward Medicines, not to mention the Dangers which occur, if the Mercury is not well prepared, besides, Turbethum Minerale, Arcanum Cordallinum, Mercurius dulcem and Præcipitatus albus, though never so well prepared, and their Acid and Corrosive Quality meliorated and edulcorated, they will never raise so kindly a Salivation as the aforementioned Unction, but will rather cause violent Purging and Vomiting. However, that the Chirurgion may know how to treat a patient that is prejudiced against a cure by Unction, I will accommodate him with the best way of raising a Salivation by Inward Medicines.
Rx. Extracts Hellebor. Nigr. Siccat. {dram}i. Spec. Diarcos {scruple}ii. Pulverisentur & adminisceantur, Turbith Mineralis {dram}ii. Mucilagin. Dragicanth. q. s. s. Massa Pilularum Ex qua formentur Pilulæ num. 128.
Of which give the Patient three or four the first time in the Morning, and the next Morning give him the following Bolus with Water-gruel.
Rx. Mercur. dulc. {grain}xii. Coserv. Rosar. q. s. s. Bolus.

John Scultetus, The Chyrurgeons
Storehouse, page 89
The third day give five or six Pills again, and the fourth day let him rest. If you see no appearance of a Flux the fifth day, give him seven or eight Pills more, and if yet there is no signs of it, the sixth day in the Morning give him another Bolus, mixed with two Grains of Arcanum Corallinum, and then you may be certain a Flux will rise, if it be possible to Salivate the Patient: If you find the Turbith will work no other way but by Vomiting and Purging, endeavour to prevent it, (though not too hastily) by giving him now and then Nutmeg powdered and mix'd with Sugar, and let him often smell to a piece of Toasted Bread steep'd in Vinegar, on which Nutmeg has been grated.
He that will use nothing but Mercurini dulcis, ought to mix it with a little Cinnabar, and give at least a Scruple the first day, for in a lesser quantity it will not work. The second and third day you must encrease the quantity. Sometimes I mix it with two Grains of Turbith or Arcanum Corallinum, and find it always works the better. During the whole cure, great care must be taken to Syringe the Patients Mouth and Throat, if any Ulcers are broke out in those places. I know that Mercurius Præcipitatus is often used in the case; but I am so far from recommending it, that I advise every one to forbear the use of it, having observed many Tragical Events occasioned by it. And since this Cure so much depends on the genuine Preparation of the Medicines, I will shew the best way of making Turbith Minearle and the Arcanum Corallinum: And first of the Turbith.

Take Mercury Sublinati {ounce}ii. Dissolve it in a sufficient quantity of Spring Water, which has first been mixed with a few drops of Spirit of Vitriol; close it up in a Vial, and let it stand in a warm place, often shaken for ten days; then put to it drop by drop and Ounce of Oleum Tartari per deliquium, and at the bottom you will find a red kind of Powder precipitate thither. Take this Powder out of the Vial, and pour upon it good clear Water, thirty times or more, that it may be perfectly Edulcorated: Dry it and keep it for use. The Dose is from four or five to seven or eight Grains. There is a way of making it Yellow, but the Colour adds nothing to its Vertue.
Acanum Corallinum is thus prepared. First procure a good and true Caput Mortuum of Aqua Fortis, made of a like quantity of Sal-Nitre and Vitriol; from this Caput Mortuum extract its Salt with Rain Water. Of it take six Ounces, rub it well with two Ounces of Mercur. viv. In a Stone Mortar, (the mercury having first been strained through Leather) til none of the Mercury can be discerned: Sublimate it in the usual manner, and you'll see, first a Yellow, and after a Red Sublimate ascend; take out the last only for this purpose; Wash or cleanse it three times with Rain Water, and your Work is done. The Dose is from four to five to seven or eight Grains.
Next I will furnish you with the Receipt of the English Blue Pill, which has been formerly in very great request; though now it is not so much in fashion, nor I think scarce deserves it, for the Prescription is so ill composed, that one Ingredient spoils another.
Rx. Gumm. Guiac. {ounce}ss. Arabic. {ounce}i. Specter. Diatragacanth. Gridig. {dram}v.i. Camphor. in Ol. Juniper. Solute. {dram}ii. Cremor Tartars, Ocul. Caner. aa. {dram}iss. Mercur. Current. {ounce}ss. Terebinth. Venet. {dram}i. Turbith. Miner. vité ppt. {dram}i. Mithridat. {ounce}i. Extract. Rudii {ounce}i. Pill. Ex duobus {dram}ii. Resin. Zalapp. {dram}iss. Diagryd. {Sulfur}r. troch. Alhand. An. {dram}i. MIthridat. {ounce}i. Ol. Lign. Guatac. Gutt. Xx. Cum s. q. Syr. De Spinæ Cervina ad Mass. Pillularum s. pill. Ex {scruple}i. num. x.
Of these Pills ten are to be taken in the Morning, with a good Decoct. Lignorum, but in my opinion they will signifie little, if there is not also raised a small Salivation. (Purmann, pages 195-7)