Clem Fazima

Clem is a burned out (or actually up) smoker. He was designed for the 1993 Wyandotte, Michigan Jaycee Haunted House for the HEDZ watershed haunt - the museum. The museum was a long room with three pedestals on either side, each of which held one of the HEDZ. At the far end of the room was a large, half-body prop. The gag was the one of the pedestals was hinged and one of the 'HEDZ' was actually a doctored mask I had created to look like a HEDZ product.
The first version of Clem created for that room was sort of unique in the way I created him. To add to the 'realism' of the prop, I decided to attach fake hair to the head and burn it! Kidz, do not try this at home! It really, really stinks and the effect was far less than I had hoped for as you might notice in the photos of the first version of the prop. See, I had attached hair in neat rows, which looked pretty decent in the pre-burn model. After burning, all the hair that covered the neat rows was gone, resulting in a guy who looked like he had a weird skin disease that caused neat rows of little bumps on his skull.
Not liking this version (because it somehow seemed to minimize the look of the damage), I revisited Clem after his tenure in the museum room. I added more regular skin to emphasize the burn effect. (First resculpt front - first resculpt left angled). If I recall correctly, I believe did this so we could use him on our "NO SMOKING" sign at the beginning of one of the Wyandotte Jaycee Haunted Houses. (I think it was the 1994 or 1995 house when we were first required to publicly post a notice to this effect and I thought it would be fun to use Clem on the notice.) He certainly made the point!
When I was fishing about for props to turn into products, Clem seemed like a natural to me. Of course, in this second, mold friendly sculpt, all of the singed crap had to removed - in part to make make him more moldable and in part it looked so odd. I re-sculpted the facial features of the prop yet again for ease of molding and so that he would have even more unburned human features to emphasize the damage. (Second resculpt front - second resculpt right - second resculpt left).