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Organization of Ship's Food In the Golden Age of Piracy
Victualling Instructions of 1697
By the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England, Ireland, &c.
Article the Ist.
Artist: Samuel Scott
First Rate Ship Shortening Sail (c. 1736)
The said Commissioners for Victualling are to receive into their Charge, and Possession, all his Majesty's Houses, Brew-houses, Bake-houses, Mills, Granaries, Store-houses, &c. as well at Tower-Hill, as at Dover, Rochester, Portsmouth, [Plymouth], and Kinsale in Ireland, or elsewhere, which have been usually appropriated for the Service of victualling the King's Navy; together with all Tenements, Grounds, and Profits, to them belonging, or appertaining; and to make use of them, as shall be needful, for the Service of the Victualling, and for the Accommodation of themselves, and their Agents, employed in that Affair: And such of them as they shall not have Occasion so to employ, they are to improve, by Rent or otherwise, as shall be for his Majesty's best Advantage; but not to build, alter, or repair, any Part of the same, without Order from the Lord High Admiral, or Lords of the Admiralty, for the Time being, upon a due Survey and Estimate first had thereof; unless it be done, for the Advantage of the said Houses, at their own Charge.
Article II.
To receive into their Charge, and Possession, all such Provision of Victuals, Cask, Iron Hoops, Biscuit-Bags, and other Materials and Utensils for Victualling, as are remaining at any of the Victualling Ports, or in any Victualling Ships, or otherwise, for the Use of the Navy; the same having been first duly surveyed, and appraised; which they are to make use of in the Service of the Victualling, and to charge themselves therewith upon their Accounts.
Article III.
To take care, timely and seasonably, to provide all such good, wholesome, and serviceable, Provisions of Victuals, and other Necessaries fitting for victualling the Seamen, Soldiers, and others, which serve in his Majesty's own, or hired, Ships or Vessels in his Service, either at Sea, or in Harbour, in such Proportions, and in such Ports, either in his Majesty's own Dominions, or in foreign Parts, as they shall, from time to time, be directed [by Warrants] from the Lord High Admiral, or the Lords of the Admiralty, for the Time being, or the principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy: Which Provisions of Victualling are to be made according as is hereafter expressed; viz. Every Man to have, for his Allowance by the Day, One Pound Avoirdupois of good, clean, sweet, found, well bolted with a Horse-Cloth, well-baked, and well-conditioned, wheaten Biscuit; One Gallon, Wine-Measure, of good, wholesome, warrantable, Beer, of such a Standard as that every Guile, of Twenty Tons of Iron-bound Beer, shall be brewed with 20 Quarters of very good Malt, as good as generally is to be had at the Place where the said Beer is brewed, and a sufficient Quantity of very good Hops, to keep the same for the Time of its Warranty; and Eighteen Quarters of the like Malt, with the like Quantity of the like Sort of Hops, to every Guile of Twenty
Beer Brewers, From Das Standbuch
By Jost Amman (1586)
Tons of Wood-bound Beer, to be good, sound, wholsome, and of sufficient Strength, and fitting for the Use of his Majesty's Ships in petty Warrant Victualling: And if any Complaint shall be made, either of the Sea or Harbour Beer, then the Truth of the Quantity and Quality of the Malt, and Hops, that shall have been used in the said Beer, shall be evidenced by the Oaths of the respective Brewers, or other credible Persons, if the same shall be required: Two Pounds Avoirdupois of Beef, killed, and made up with Salt, in England, of a well-fed Ox, not weighing less than Five hundred Weight, for what shall be killed for the Sea Victualling in the Port of London, and Four and a Half-hundred in any other of the Ports in England where Victuals shall be provided, for Two of the Four Days following; viz. Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays; and for the other Two of those Days, One Pound Avoirdupois of Bacon, or salted English Pork, of a well-fed Hog, not weighing less than Three Quarters of a Hundred Weight, and a Pint of Peas, Winchester Measure, therewith, each of the said Days; and for Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, every Man, besides the aforesaid Allowance of Bread and Beer, to have, by the Day, the Eighth Part of a full-sized North-Sea Cod, of 24 Inches long, or a Sixth Part of a Haberdine, 22 Inches long, or a Quarter Part of the same Sort, if but 16 Inches long; provided the Haberdine, that shall be thus spent on his Majesty's Ships, consist not of more than a Fish of one Size on board any other Ship; or a Pound Avoirdupois of well-saved Poor-John; together with Two Ounces of Butter, and Four Ounces of Suffolk Cheese, or Two-thirds of that Weight of Cheshire; but they shall deliver clean, well-dressed, Oatmeal, in lieu of a sized Fish, at the Rate of One Gallon of Oatmeal for a sized Fish, where the principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy shall direct their so doing. This Method, in Victualling, to be always duly observed, as well in Harbour as at Sea; only, there is to be this Difference between Harbour and Sea Victuals, that the Bread and Beef to be spent in Harbour, be delivered, the former in Loaves, and the latter fresh, with Salt to corn it: But if his Majesty shall order any Ship, or Vessel, to the Southward of the Latitude of 39 Degrees North Latitude, each Man is to be victualled, in lieu of a Pound of Biscuit, with a Pound of Rusk of equal Fineness; in lieu of a Gallon of Beer, a Wine Quart of Beverage Wine; and to Ships going to Guinea, or the East or West-Indies, in lieu of a Gallon of Beer, Half a Wine Pint of Brandy, for Half the Proportion, at least, of Drink they shall be ordered to take in; in lieu of a Piece of Beef, or Pork with Peas, Three Pounds of Flour, and a Pound of Raisins, not worse than Malaga; or, in lieu of Raisins, Half a Pound of Currans, or Half a Pound of Beef-Suet, pickled; in lieu of a sized Fish, Four Pounds of Milan Rice, or Two Stock-fishes, of, at least, 16 Inches long each; in lieu of a Pound of Butter, or Two Pounds of Suffolk Cheese, a Wine-Pint of Sweet Olive Oil; to be put on board, at all times, in such particular Species afore-mentioned, and in such Proportions, and no otherwise than as the principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy shall give Directions at the time of their sending their Warrants for victualling the said Ships.
Article IV.
They are to take particular Care, that all the said Provisions afore mentioned shall be issued, and delivered, in such Sort, Order, and Manner, and in such good, sound, wholsome, and well-saved Victuals, as that it shall continue fit, in all respects, for his Majesty's
Photo: Raphel Mission
Sailor Re-enactor on a Water Cask
Service, during the Space of Six Months, from the time of its being received on board: namely, for all that shall be declared to be spent on this Side the Canary Islands, or Latitude of 27 Degrees North Latitude; and Twelve Months, for what shall be issued to be spent to the Southward
of that Place, or Latitude: And in case any Provisions shall prove defective within the aforesaid Time, or Beer leaked out by the Badness of the Cask, and not through any ill Stowage, or Neglect of the Officers or Seamen on board, they are, upon the Purser's producing a regular Survey thereof, according to the Custom of the Navy, to issue the like Quantity of good Provisions to him, in the room of it, or to give him a Receipt for the same, for his Discharge: Which defective Provisions they are to dispose of, by Sale or otherwise, to his Majesty's best Advantage, and to charge themselves therewith upon their Accounts.
Article V.
They are to pay unto the Pursers of all such Ships as they shall be ordered to victual, towards the providing of Necessaries, such as Wood, Candles, Dishes, Cans, Lanterns, Spoons, and other Necessaries usually provided by the Pursers of his Majesty's Ships, under the Title of Necessaries, Nine-pence for every Man per Mensem, in each Ship bearing Sixty Men and under, and Six-pence in every Ship carrying above Sixty Men, and 2 s. for every Ship, for Loading-Charges, by the Month; together with the accustomary Allowance for Drawage [drayage, cost of transport], being 4 d. per Ton, for every Ton of Beer the Purser indents for; and to all Ships carrying above Sixty Men, Ten Groats per Mensem, for Adz-money; viz. for so long time as the Ship shall be victualled for Sea-Service; and also, for the ordinary Men, and extraordinary Men, in Harbour, after the Rate of 12 d. per Man a Month; and, further, they are to pay unto the Purser, after the Rate of 8 d. for every Man per Mensem, for Sea-Service; being so much allowed them for extra-necessary Money: All which several Sums are to be paid to the Pursers immediately before the Signing of their Indents for Sea, or Warrants for Harbour-Victuals.

Artist: Bengt Nordenberg
Man at a Wine Cask (1866)
Article VI.
The Beverage-Wine, to be furnished to Ships upon foreign Voyages, as above, to be good, sound Wine, not Vinegar; and of such Strength, as it shall be able to preserve the Water from stinking, when Three times the Quantity of the Wine shall be added to it in Water.
Article VII.
They are also to allow each Ship they shall be ordered to victual for the Sea, Four Hogsheads, with Eight Iron Hoops on each; the said Hoops to be hammered Hoops, of good Substance, and well wrought; or milled Hoops, where they shall think them sufficient for his Majesty's Service, for Water-Cask; with One Bundle of wooden Hoops, and another of Flags [Dried reed material which swells up and acts as a gasket in a cask, particularly for the groove where the cask head is placed. Flagging material is often made from Typha latifolia.1]; for every One hundred Men, a Month; and so proportionably for a greater or lesser Number of Men; and such further Quantity of Water-Cask for foreign Voyages, as the Ships can conveniently stow, or shall be thought necessary.
Article VIII.
That the Warrants by which the said Commissioners are, from time to time, to issue the aforesaid Provisions for the Use of his Majesty's Ships, are to be as follows; viz. for all Victuals to be spent at Sea, the Warrant of the Lord High Admiral, or Commissioners of the Admiralty, for the time being, or of Three or more of the principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy, or of a Commander in Chief of a Fleet or Squadron, or of the particular Commander of any Ship, in Cases only not admitting of the Time requisite for the procuring any of those before recited; as also, the Demands of the Pursers of any of his Majesty's Ships, tendering to the said Commissioners, or their Agents, a Receipt under the Hand of any other Purser, to whom he had, by Order of his Commander, delivered Supplies at Sea; which Receipt and Order is to be taken up by the said Commissioners, and shall be a sufficient Warrant unto them for issuing the Value thereof unto the Purser that did supply the same; and for Victuals to be spent in Harbour for the Extra, the Warrant of the
Artist: Nicolas Bernard Lepicie
Courttyard of the Customs House (1775)
Commander of the Ship, and Clerk of the Cheque of the Port where the same is to be issued; and for what shall be spent in Harbour, by the Ordinary, the Warrant of the Clerk of the Cheque, and Master-Attendant where any is: And, in the Execution of every of the said Warrants, the said Commissioners are to cause to be delivered, on board the Ships, the full Contents of the said Warrants, in Kind, unless the Commanders and Masters shall, under their Hands, certify, to the said Commissioners, the Incapacity of their Ships to receive the same; in which Case, and that only, the said Commissioners are to make good the Remainder thereof, by such Credits as will be readily answered unto them on behalf of his Majesty, at the very next Victualling Port where the same shall be demanded, unless the Ships victualled be ordered on foreign Voyages; in which Case alone the Purser shall receive from the said Commissioners, ready Money for so much of the said Victualling, and at such Rates, and in such Manner, as they best can, for his Majesty's Service, without lessening the Proportions, or Goodness, of the Victuals allowed by his Majesty to the Seamen serving in his Ships; and that a distinct Account shall be, from time to time, kept by the said Commissioners for Victualling, of all Credits by them so issued, and of the Time and Place of answering the same; to the end that, upon passing their Accounts, they may be able to satisfy the principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy, that the said Credits have been by them effectually made good: All which Victuals, as well for Harbour as for Sea, the said Commissioners for Victualling are to take care be delivered, on board his Majesty's Ships, to the respective Pursers thereof, without any Charge to the said Pursers for Lighterage, Portage, or otherwise, and without their coming, or Attendance, for it; so as that each Purser shall have his Warrant, or Demand, supplied at the Ship's Side, within 24 Hours for Harbour-Victuals, and 48 Hours for Sea-Provisions, or as soon as possible it can be done; and that the Masters of the Hoys, Lighters, or other Vessels, by whom the said Provisions shall be sent on board his Majesty's Ships, shall deliver the same into the Slings and Tackles of the Ships on board which the same is to be put; and they are, from time to time, to inform themselves of the State of each Ship's Victualling, to enable them the better, and sooner, to comply with such Orders as they shall receive on that behalf.
Article IX.

Artist: William Darton
Coopering, From Little Jack of All Trades (1814)
They are also to cause to be delivered, in Iron-bound Cask, hooped with Iron Hoops of good Substance, hammered, and well-wrought Iron, as aforesaid, One complete Moiety of the Proportion of Beer, ordered to each Ship designed for the Chanel, or any other Voyage than for Guinea, or the East or West-Indies; and for any Ship designed for Guinea, or the East or West-Indies, Threefourths of their Proportion of Beer is to be put in Ironbound Cask, hooped with Iron Hoops of good Substance, and well-wrought Iron, as above.
Article X.
The Indents to be taken by the said Commissioners, of the Pursers, for Victuals which they shall issue to them, shall be made in the same Form and Manner, as was directed in the Contract with the late Contractors for victualling the Navy; which Indents shall be dated in Words at Length, and not in Figures, by the Hands of the Pursers who are to sign them, before their Signing thereof; and the Provisions which are therein mentioned to be upon Credit, shall be repeated at the Bottom, or on the Backside, of the said Indents, and attested by the Person signing the said Indents; likewise the true Species delivered, and the Quantities of each, are to be expressed in the said Indents]; and not one thing for another, as hath been too often practised: And, moreover, the said Commissioners are to demand One or more Duplicates of the said Indents, or Receipts, signed by the Pursers at the time of their Indenting, and to send the same to the Comptroller of the Victualling; viz. within Seven Days after its Date, for what shall be delivered at the Port of London, Harwich, Dover, and Portsmouth; and Three Days after their receiving any from remote Ports; taking care to quicken their Agents in sending them up, as there shall be Occasion by any Delay therein.
Article XI.
And in case any of his Majesty's Ships shall return from Sea, to be laid up, having any Provisions of Victuals remaining on board, the said Commissioners shall immediately, upon Notice given to them by the Pursers of the said Ships, send Hoys, Lighters, and other fitting Vessels, to fetch away the same; together with the Casks, Iron Hoops, and Biscuit-Bags; and cause the Hoyman, Lighterman, or Masters of the Vessels, that received the said Victuals, Cask, Iron Hoops, and Biscuit-Bags, to take an exact Account of the same, and to give the Purser, or his Instrument, a Receipt for what he shall receive on board him, before his sailing away, or be debarred his Freight till the same be adjusted, and he produceth a Certificate of what the Purser charged him with; which Certificate the Purser is obliged to deliver to the said Hoyman, Lighterman, &c. at the Time of his Loading; for which Victuals, Casks, Staves, Iron Hoops, and Biscuit-Bags, so returned, the said Commissioners are to give a Receipt, as well to the said Pursers, as to transmit, without fail, to the
Loading Ships in a 17th Century Dutch Shipyard,
From Ships
and Ways of Other Days, By E Keble Chatterton, 1913
Comptroller of the Victualling, within 20 Days after the laying up of each Ship, a Duplicate of the said Receipt, together with the full Charge upon the Purser, and an exact State of the Account, between themselves and him, for Casks, Hoops, Biscuit-Bags, &c.; all which Provisions, Cask, Hoops, Biscuit-Bags, &c. so returned, shall be disposed of, by the Commissioners, to his Majesty's best Advantage; such Part thereof as, upon due Survey made of the same, shall be found sound, sweet, wholsome, and sitting for his Majesty's Service, to be issued again, either for Sea or Harbour Victualling, for which the same shall be found most proper; and the Remainder thereof, which shall be found defective, to be sold at the best Rate that may be procured for the same: And, for the Prevention of any Disputes, touching the Number of Staves of which each Sort of Cask shall be reputed to consist, in their Returns which his Majesty's Pursers are obliged to make thereof, it is hereby declared, That each of the Butts so to be returned, if shaken, shall consist of[no less than] 26 Staves, and every Puncheon 22 Staves, and every Hogshead 20 Staves, and every Barrel 17 Staves, the Heading included, whereof Two Pieces of each to be accounted a Stave, always accounting each Stave above 44 Inches long for a Butt Stave; each Stave of 38 Inches long, if the same be of old Stuff, to be reckoned for a Puncheon Stave; and the like for every Stave between 38 and 44 Inches long; and each Stave above 32 Inches long to 38, including also the 38 Inches if it be a new Stave, to be reckoned for a Hogshead; and each Stave under 32 Inches long, as low as 28 Inches, to be reckoned as a Barrel Stave.
Article XII.
That the said Commissioners are also to take care to pay all Bills of Exchange which shall be drawn by the Commanders, and Pursers, for Victuals provided for any of his Majesty's Ships abroad, in Ports where no Victuals shall have been ordered to be provided, when the Necessity of his Majesty's Service shall require the taking up Victuals in the said Ports; as also, that they defray the Charge of the Freight of all such Provisions as shall, at any time, be ordered to attend his Majesty's Fleet, or to be sent to any of his Majesty's Ships abroad, or at home; and to provide such Water-Ships, for the Service of the said Fleets, as shall be directed to be taken up; and to pay such Bills as shall be made out, and assigned upon them, by the Navy-Board, for the Balance of any Victualling Accounts; and satisfy all other Expences whatsoever, relating to the victualling the Navy; that so the whole Charge thereof may appear in that Office.
Article XIII.
They are to take care that no Beer be issued for victualling his Majesty's Ships in any Port where a sworn Gauger is to be had, in other Cask than what shall, by such sworn Gauger, have its Contents in Gallons, Winchester Measure, marked on the Head of it; and that all other
Artist: James Stewart
Curing Yard for Meat (1865)
Cask of Provisions have the Contents of the Provisions in each Cask, marked on the Head thereof by some Person that can, if there shall be Occasion, testify, upon Oath, that there is, in the said Cask, the Quantity marked by him on the Head thereof: They are also to take care, that the Beef, and Pork, which they shall, at any time, victual his Majesty's Ships with, shall always hold at such Weight, as that every 28 Pieces of Beef, cut for Four Pound Pieces, took out of the Cask as they rise, and the Salt shaken off it, shall weigh One hundred Pound, net Avoirdupois Weight; and every 56 Pieces of Bacon, or salted Pork, cut for Two Pound Pieces, and took out of its Cask, and shaken as in the Beef, shall weigh One hundred and Four Pounds, net Avoirdupois: After which Method, upon weighing a whole Cask of the said Beef, or Pork, in the Presence of Two or more of the Warrant Officers of the said Ship, the Certificate of the said Officers, such as they shall be ready to make Oath to, shall, in case of Shortness of Weight, not only impower the Purser to make Allowance, to the Seamen, in Money, or Victuals, at the next Victualling-Port, for such Shortness, but oblige the said Commissioners, their Deputies, Ministers, and Agents, to make present Satisfaction, to the Purser, without Delay, in the next Victualling-Port where it shall be demanded.
Article XIV.
They are to take care, that no Beef provided, and put on board his Majesty's Ships, shall be delivered in Pieces of any other Weight than of Four Pounds; nor of Pork, than of Two Pounds; of Avoirdupois Weight in each Piece; and that, at no time, there shall be any unusual Pieces put up with the other Flesh, or apart for the Use of the Ships Companies; such as Leg-Bones, Shins of Oxen, or the Cheeks of Hogs, or Ox Hearts, &c.
Article XV.
The said Commissioners may, if they find it for his Majesty's Service, issue to the Seamen serving on board his Majesty's Ships in ordinary, Three Pounds of Beef, in lieu of Two Pounds of Pork, for the Months of May, June, July, and August.
Article XVI.
The said Commissioners, or any of them, nor any other Person or Persons on their or any of their behalf, either directly or indirectly, are not, any manner of way, to be interested or concerned in Selling of Victuals, or any other Stores, Necessaries, or Utensils whatsoever, for the Service of the Victualling, or in any Benefit or Advantage which may arise thereby, as they will answer the contrary.
Article XVII.
They are to manage the Service for the best Advantage of his Majesty, in all Particulars thereof, according to their best Skill, Judgment, and Discretion; and to stand accountable to his Majesty, as well for the providing of good, sound, and wholsome, Provisions, for the Health and Satisfaction of the Seamen serving in his Majesty's Ships and Fleet; as that the whole Service shall be managed with all possible Frugality and good Husbandry, on his Majesty's behalf.
Article XVIII.
And to the end the Comptroller of his Majesty's Victualling-Accounts, residing at the Navy-Office, may, at all times, be enabled to give unto the Lord High Admiral, or Commissioners of the Admiralty, and the principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy, for the Time being, a true and perfect State of all Matters relating to the Business of his Majesty's Victualling, both as to the Receipts and Issues of his Majesty's Treasure, supplied for that Service; the State of their Magazines of Provisions, bought, issued, and remaining, with the Quality of the same; and the good or ill Managements exercised in the frugal dispensing of his Majesty's Treasure, and regular answering his Majesty's Service; they are to send to the aforesaid Comptroller, and to the Comptroller of the Victualling-Accounts, for the Time being, the respective Accounts following, weekly and monthly, as is hereafter expressed in each Article; viz.
Keeping Track of Accounts, From T Recht
gebruyck vant italiaens boeck-houde,
By Hendrik Waninghen (1672)
1st. A Duplicate of the Accounts and Survey of the Victualling-Stores, and Utensils of all Kinds, remaining at each of his Majesty's Victualling Ports, and Store-houses, &c. and taken into their Possession, according to what is directed in the Second Article of these Instructions.
2dly, They are to cause to be prepared, and presented to the said Comptroller, by the Cashier for receiving and paying all Monies relating to the Victualling, a weekly Account of all his Receipts and Payments of Monies, in the same Manner and Form as was done by the Cashier in the Time of the former Commissioners; mentioning, against each Bill, the particular Fund out of which it was assigned, and paid.
3dly, A monthly Account of what Provisions, and Stores, of any Kind, shall be bought by them, and received into any of his Majesty's Victualling Stores; expressing, in distinct Columns, the Time when, by whom, and Place where received, the Quality and Quantity of Provisions bought, with the Rate and Value paid, or to be paid, for the same.
4thly, Duplicates of all Indents for Sea, Harbour, and Extra petty Warrant, Victuals; and for broken Proportions and Supplies of Victuals; issued out to any of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels, according to the 10th Article of these Instructions.
5thly, To cause, at the End of each Month, an Account to be taken of the Quantity and Quality of the Victualling-Stores, of all Kinds, that shall be there remaining, in each Victualling-Port; and a Duplicate thereof to be sent to the aforesaid Comptroller, monthly, as hath been usual.
6thly, A monthly Account of all Provisions, Cask, Hoops, Bags, &c. that shall be returned into any of his Majesty's Stores, whether decayed or otherwise, from any of his Majesty's Ships or Vessels, expressing therein the Time when, from whence, and to what Place, together with the Quantity and Quality of the Stores so received.
7thly, A monthly Account of all Monies payable to the Treasurer of the Navy, or his Cashier, on his Majesty's Victualling-Account, for decayed Provisions, or other Provisions sold, and for Tallow, Hides, Offal, Bran, Small-coals, Grains, Rent of any of his Majesty's Houses, Wharfs, &c.; and that so it may be examined whether his Majesty hath Right done him by the Cashier, in making a due Charge thereof on his Accounts.
Article XIX. [Added to the 1697 Victualling Instructions2]
And for preserving his Majesty's Credit for the future, by preventing all undue Preferences in Payments, in the Victualling-Office, as is done in the Navy-Office, and to know the true Debts due to the last of this Month, they are to cause Bills to be made out, and signed
Overseeing Accounts, From T Recht
gebruyck vant italiaens boeck-houde,
By Hendrik Waninghen (1672)
by Three or more of them, for all Monies that is, or shall be, due to any Person or Persons, upon the 31st Instant, for any Kind or Sort of Victuals, Stores, Utensils, Wages, Salaries, or other Disbursements and Payments whatsoever; and those, and all other Bills that shall be remaining unpaid at that time, duly to number, and enter in Course into a Book to be kept for that Purpose, under the 6 Columns following; viz.
1st, Number against each Person's Name.
2d, The Persons Names.
3d, Species of Provisions, or Service.
4th, The Quantity.
5th, Rate and Quality.
6th, Total Value of each Bill.
Entering the eldest First with No 1, and so successively, 2, 3, 4, and according to the respective Times the Money on the said Bills shall, by their Dates, appear to be due: Which Bills being so made out, numbered, and entered, they are to cause a Duplicate thereof, with a Particular of the Imprest-money that shall be then standing out against, and uncleared by, any Person, to be transmitted to the aforesaid Comptroller: And, from that time forward, they are to continue entering, and numbering, in the same Book, all such Bills as shall be made out to any Person or Persons, for Monies due to them from the said Office, to be assigned upon the Treasurer of the Navy for Payment in Course, according to their respective Numbers, out of such Monies or Funds as shall, from time to time, be appointed for the Service of the Victualling; Monies payable to any Persons by the way of Bills of Imprest, or Exchange, upon extraordinary Occasions, being to be excepted; the Payment of such Bills, out of Course, being not to be reckoned any Breach of the Course: But this Method is not to be used but where his Majesty's Service indispensably requires it.
And, in order to the coming to a true Knowlege what each Man's Victuals will stand his Majesty in a Day, they are to take a general Survey at the end of each Year; viz. In the Month of December; of all the Provisions, and Utensils,
Artist: Claude-Joseph Vernet
Loading Ship, Interieur du port de Marseille (1754)
that shall be remaining in each Victualling-Port; and, by or before the End of March next following, to cause to be prepared, and presented unto the principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy, an Account, signed by themselves, of the Victualling for the preceding Year; making the said Account Debtor, as well to the Value of the said Survey, as for what Provisions shall be returned from any of his Majesty's Ships, or Vessels, and for such Monies as shall have been received for the Service of the Victualling in that Year, either from the Exchequer, or for Victuals, Stores, Tallow, Hides, Offal, Bran, Small-coals, Grains, by them sold, and remaining at any of the King's Houses, or Wharfs, &c.: and also for the Debts of the Victualling, then in Arrear; and per contra Creditor, for all Victuals issued in that Year, and the like for all the Remains in his Majesty's respective Victualling-Stores; which being cast into Money, it will thereby appear at what Rate the Men serving in his Majesty's Navy have been victualled: Which said Accounts, being comptrolled, examined, and passed, by the said principal Officers and Commissioners, are to remain in the Office of the Comptroller of the Victualling.
And lastly, Whereas, at the putting of the Victualling of his Majesty's Navy into a Commission, and settling Instructions for the same, it was ordered, That the Treasurer of the Navy should issue all such Monies as should come to his Hands, for the Service of the Victualling, upon Bills to be signed, and assigned, by any Three of them, in the same manner as he issues the other Monies which he receives for his Majesty's naval Services, upon Bills upon the Navy-Board; and that the Cashier for the Victualling should be the Treasurer's Instrument, and one for whom he will be responsible; the said Commissioners of the Victualling are to take Notice thereof; as also, that the said Cashier is, for the future, to keep his Office in the Treasury-Office at Broad-street, and make all his Payments there, by the said Bills, and not elsewhere.
WHEREAS this Board have thought fitting to appoint the foregoing Instructions for your better Government, in managing the Business committed to your Care, as Commissioners for victualling his Majesty's Navy; you are therefore hereby required, and directed, duly and carefully to observe the said Instructions, in your Management of that Affair, accordingly; for which this shall be your Warrant. Dated at the Admiralty-Office, this 4th August 1697.3
1 Barrel Builders Inc, Barrel Maintenance and Repair Manual, 1995, p. 24; 2 "The instructions of 1697 ...are a redraft of instructions of 1690; but the words of the contract of 1677 are still closely followed... The purpose of the alterations appears only to have been to introduce the system of paying 'in course,' and to provide that the cashier for the victualling... ' is for the future to keep his office in the Treasury Office at Broad Street, and make all his payments there .... and not elsewhere.'", J. R. Tanner, The Victualling Instructions of 1697, The Mariners Mirror, 1911, p. 52; 3 His Majesty's Stationery Office, Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 12, 1697-1699, 1803, pp. 396-400